About Us
We are a tuition-free public charter school.
We are serving grades K-5.
We have small class sizes: we have a maximum of 25 students per classroom.
We serve all of our students breakfast and lunch at no cost, regardless if they qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Click Here for more information

Our mission is to provide expanded high quality educational choices within the public school system. The Cannon Beach Academy shall strive to provide:
A balanced education to nurture the development of the whole child, encouraging each child to become a life-long learner and a benefit to society. The school places equal emphasis on a solid academic foundation, artistic expression, attention to the inner emotional life of each child, social development and responsibility, cultural diversity, a healthy lifestyle and appreciation of the environment and the arts.
A focus on children who have been historically underserved, due to factors such as race, ethnicity, culture and socioeconomic background.
Opportunities for parents and members of the community to be directly involved in the school operation and make significant contributions to their children’s educational environment.
Nondiscrimination Notice:
The Cannon Beach Academy prohibits discrimination in employment and all educational opportunities. All programs are available to all students, including federally protected classes (race, color, national origin, sex, and sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability). The following person(s) has(ve) been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Title IX: Possible discrimination on the basis of sex/gender/gender identity.
MaryEllen Kiffe
Title IX Coordinator/Director
503-436-4463 or kiffem@thecannonbeachacademy.org
ADA-Title II: Possible discrimination of staff or students on the basis of a disability.
MaryEllen Kiffe
ADA-Title II Coordinator/Director
503-436-4463 or kiffem@thecannonbeachacademy.org
Section 504/IDEA: Possible educational programming discrimination of students on the basis of a disability.
MaryEllen Kiffe
504 Coordinator/Director
503-436-4463 or kiffem@thecannonbeachacademy.org
Civil Rights Coordinator per House Bill 2281
MaryEllen Kiffe
Civil Rights Coordinator/Director
503-436-4463 or kiffem@thecannonbeachacademy.org
For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit https://ocrcas.ed.gov/contact-ocr for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.